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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ABTA Test Paper (MP), 2019-20 Grammar & Vocabulary: Solved

ABTA Test Paper (MP) 2019-20  
Grammar & Vocabulary:


4. When Mrs. Gupta returned      home she noticed at once that thieves had entered her house during her absence. The local police station was informed immediately.

5. A. Sunil, a young diver jumped      into the river and saved the child from drowning.
B. i) He has worked out the answers carefully. (Change the voice)
Ans. The answers have been worked out carefully by him.
ii) You do not take care of your health. You may fall ill. (Join into a single sentence using Adverb clause)
Ans. If you do not take care of your health, you may fall ill. / Unless you take care of your health, you may fall ill.
iii) “What have you written, Sachin?”, the teacher said. (Change into indirect speech)
Ans. Addressing Sachin, the teacher asked him what he had written.

C. i) Sacrificed= gave up
ii) is investigating= looking into
iii) am trying to find= looking for

6. i) imitate= emulate
ii) Increase rapidly= escalate
iii) Discourage= dissuades
iv) Spread and promote an idea widely= propagate


4. Sojourner Truth was a woman of remarkable intelligence despite her illiteracy. She was born a slave, and her real name was Isabella Baumfree. She   was sold      several times before slavery   was abolished     in 1827 in New York.

5. A. There was  a    time when everybody believed that history is only the biography  of    great ‘men’. Legendary women    in    past, like Cleopatra, have been the exception, not the rule.
B. i) Sappho was one of the greatest women poets. (Change into positive degree)
Ans. Very few women poets were as great as Sappho.
ii) “ Did I make any mistake here?”, the student said to the teacher. (Change into indirect speech)
Ans. The student asked the teacher if he (student) had made any mistake there.
iii) Maria Montessori was Italy’s first female doctor. She also achieved fame in the field of children’s education. (Join into simple sentence)
Ans. Maria Montessori, Italy’s first female doctor, achieved fame in the field of children’s education also.

C. i) appeared= set in
ii) recovered= came round
iii) compensated= made up
6. i) Able to be obtained= available
ii) Not varying or different= distinction
iii) Regretted= rued
iv) Obstruct= clog

Page: 96

04. Once a student of an English-medium school   was asked    to define a river. The clever little fellow   gave     a perfectly correct definition. When the teacher further questioned him what river he    had seen      this unfortunate pupil replied that he had not seen any.

5. A. Brutus was the noblest   among     all the Romans and he could not bear the    thought of tyranny and the slavery that comes   after     tyranny.
B. i) The teacher said, ‘’ Man is mortal.” (Narration change)
Ans. The teacher said that man is mortal.
ii) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. (No sooner .... than)
Ans. No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.
iii) God creates everything. (Change the voice)
Ans. Everything is created by God.

C. i) resembles= takes after
ii) died= passed away
iii) affects= tells upon
6. i) the path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another= orbit
ii) Broadcast via television= televised
iii) seize on its way= intercept
iv) originating where it is found= indigenous

Page – 133

4. A coach of the Himalayan Queen train which was on its way to Kalka from Delhi, derailed near Panipath in Hariyana on Wednesday after one of its wheels got jammed. No one was injured, officials said.

5. A. In school, it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to have faith on his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong. Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and touch with the tough.

B. i) Jackfruit is not so sweet as mango.
ii) The real and the imagined had been mixed up by him.
iii) Addressing Swaminathan, Samuel asked where his (Swaminathan) homework was.

C. i) solved = worked out
ii) abolished = done away with
iii) remember = call up

D) i) having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honour= emeritus
ii) ideological= fundamental
iii) declared= announced
iv) principle on which something is based= theory


4. As soon as the lid of the box was opened           by Pandora, the cottage became dark and all pain and suffering had been felt by Pandora.
5. A) Penguins build their nests on the ground. But most of the birds make nest on the trees.
B) i) This is where she lives. (Splitting)
Ans. This is the place. She lives here.
ii) Keep practicing to achieve success in the examinations. (Turn into complex sentence)
Ans. Keep practicing if you want to achieve success in the examinations./ If you keep practicing, you will achieve success in the examinations.
iii) Your dress is as pretty as mine. (Turn into negative)
Ans. My dress is not prettier than yours.
C) i) Emits = gives out/ blows off
ii) was extinguished = was put out/blown out
iii) Exploded = blew up
D) i) People who make scientific investigation on something= researchers
ii) No longer in existence= extinct
iii) Illegal hunting or catching wild animals= poaching
iv) related to whole world= global

Page- 176

4. Whenever you fought for the cause of the toiling masses, you have gained new soil underfoot. Right leadership is  a tough job.

5. A. We had a kite that was big and covered with lovely red paper. We pasted gold tinsel stars all over it and had written our names full on it.
B. i) With an effort I roused myself. (Change the voice)
Ans. With an effort I was roused by myself.
ii) “Do you want to know what became of your kite?” he said. (Change into indirect speech)
Ans. He asked if they wanted to know what had become of their kite.
iii) They did not make a sound. There was an unnatural silence. (Join into complex sentence)
Ans. As they did not make a sound, there was an unnatural silence.

C. i) surrender= give in
ii) solved= worked out
iii) clamoured= called out

6. i) Destroyed= pulverished
ii) considered= deemed
iii) extended= elongated
iv) Well known and respected= eminent

Page- 197

4. Netaji Subhas Chandra was the glory of India. Throughout his life, he fought for the freedom of India. During the Second World War he left India in disguise.

5. A. Some evenings the postmaster would sit on the wooden cot in that big office room and think about his home, about his younger brother, mother and elder sister, about those for whom his lonely heart yearned in the distant land.
B. i) It is a myth that English is spoken all over the world. (Change the voice)
Ans. It is a myth that people all over the world speak English.
ii) I said to him,” Please come to me.” (Narration change)
Ans. I requested him to come to me.
iii) He said, he was honest. (Make it simple)
Ans. He said himself to be honest.

C. i) Closes= breaks up
ii) shouted= called out
iii) fulfil= carry out

6. i) Extremities= fatalities
ii) disloyal= treacherous
iii) shelterless= homeless
iv) glaciers= avalanche

Page -240

4. The tigress was captured in the Sundarbans and kept in the Alipore Veterinary Hospital fortreatment under the specialist doctors. The doctors were observing the tiger. It got injured severely.

5. A. The disappearance of Subhas Chandra Bose on August 18, 1945 remains still an unsolved mystery. There is no evidence of an unfortunate plane crash of Netaji being on  the plane at all.
B. i) Once I crept in an Oak wood where I was happy.
ii) The man asked where the hammer was.
iii) He was sorry for his late.

C. i) maintain= keep up
ii) remove = do away with
iii) saw= came across

6. i) a film based on documents= documentary
ii) depicted or draw a penpicture= portraited
iii) Completely destroyed or vanished= wiped out
iv) one that is fresh or alive= living
Page- 260

4. has raised, said, tries
5. A. About, from, the
B. i) The ball has been put in the box by him.
ii) I do not know where he was born.
iii) They asked us if we hadn’t done the mistake.
C. i) established= set up
ii) continue= carry on
iii) saved= set aside.
6. wild, release, conducting, breeding

Page- 279

4. helps, came, was watching
5. A. Of, the, from
B. i) Addressing as brother, Trishit asked where he (brother) had kept his pencil box.
ii) One must obey rules.
iii) Take care of your children, the gifts of God.
C. done away with, give up, takes after
6. loosened, strewn, collapsed, wrath

Page- 297

4. on, the, throughout
5. A.  Were killed, collided, has been arrested
B. i) Very few cricketers in Indian cricket team were as successful as Sourav Ganguly.
ii) He is so proud that he cannot apologise.
iii) No sooner had I gone back to Delhi than I felt at sea.
C. takes after, give in, called off

Page- 315

4. appealed, sought, will be held
5. A. Took off, called off, set up
B. the, to, by
C. i) The dog was run over by the car.
ii) Swaminathan wailed that he had a headache.
iii) I could not go to school for my illness.


4. has been coaching, was surprised, became
5.A. the, to, in
B. 1. As it was raining, the children could not go out to play.
2. I was given a story book by my friend.
3. The policeman asked the thief where he had kept the stolen goods.
C. 1. Recover= come round,
2. reject= turn down,
3. wore= put on

Page- 351

4. have made, are cut, have disappeared
5.A. a, to, on
B. 1. Addressing father, the girl said/ promised that she would not tell a lie.
2. People are not so patient as paper.
3. Plant trees to save the earth.
C. 1. Postponed= called off/put off
2. was known= came out
3. detect= see through

Page- 369

4. ranging, will remain, to come
5. A. To, the, of
B. 1. At every station crowds filled the platform. They were sorrowful.
2. Swami went to school feeling that no other boy on earth was as bad as he was.
3. Forests cannot be carried on my back by me.
C. 1. Understand= make out
2. met= came across
3. becomes known= comes out

Page- 387

4. was returning, had entered, was informed
5. A. The, by, between
B. 1. The problem was sorted out on her own by her.
2. Unless you are studying properly, you will fail in the exam.
3. The boy asked when I had started my journey the previous day.
C. 1. In search of= looking for
2. sacrificed= gave up
3. rejected= turned down

Page- 404
4. took, to send, would make
5. A. 1. Wore= put on
2. harms= tells upon
3. reared= brought up
B. 1. Bhajans were sung by people on the train.
2. Father asked Swaminathan if he (Swaminathan) had no school that day.
3. They remained silent.
C. to, at, the

Page- 425

4. was, baked, bought
5. A. In, a, of
B. 1. The poem is so simple that it needs no explanation.
2. Riya said that she wanted that pen.
3. His sum was done in time by the student.
C. arrived=turned up
2. found= came across
3. understand= make out

Page- 449

4. listened, telling, was
5. A. The, for, to
B. 1. He is so lazy that he cannot do any work.
2. We are taught English by Mr. X.
3. Very few rivers of North Bengal are as long as the Mahanada.
C. 1. Tolerate= put up with/ bear with
2. quarrelled= fell out
3. rejected= turned down

Page- 481

4. arrested, had been found, is
5. A. A, into, the
B. 1. It will have to be made by them.
2. As I was ill, I could not go to school.
3. The girl exclaimed in fear/wonder that it was really a big snake.
C. 1. despises= looks down upon
2. wrote= took down,
3. wore= put on

Page- 500

4.  Occurred, knocked down, was crossing
5. A. A, into, in
B. 1. Today I have to return a book which I borrowed from the library.
2. You are requested to give me a glass of water.
3. I blessed/ wished him that God might bless him.
C. 1. tolerate= put up with
2. overcome= go over
3. withdrawn= called off

Page- 528

4. 1. Has been, 2. Plays, 3. Were killed
5. 1. Of, 2. The, 3. By
6. 1. Resembles= takes after
2. remember= call up
3. escaped= ran away
7. 1. The man is known to me.
2. The teacher forbade the boys to make any noise.
3. The boy is so foolish that he cannot understand the jokes.

Page- 550

 4. Having, arrived, have won
5. A. A, with, over
B. 1. The solution to this problem is known to Ashim.
2. Addressing his father, Swami asked apprehensively what he (father) had written.
3. After completing her work, Rima went out.
C. 1. Understand= make out
2. abandoned= gave up
3. met= came across
Page- 568

4. was, pasted, written
5. A. To, with, in
B. 1. As soon as the thief saw the policeman he fled away.
2. Let the voice be changed.
3. The student told the teacher that the rain had been falling heavily the previous day.
C. 1. established= set up
2. recover= come round
3. started= set out

Page- 676

4. an, to, for
5.A. 1. The students politely proposed/ suggested to their Headmaster that they should have a selfie with him.
2. I shall be shown their project works by them.
3. Kanu acts more foolishly than any other boy in the family.
B. were informed, happened, rushed
C. 1. Rejected= turned down
2. starts= sets in
3. published= brought out

Page- 693

4.  capsized, were rescued, happened
5. A. a, without, of
B. 1. The man exclaimed in delight/ wonder that the flower was really beautiful.
2. This paper is smooth when it is felt.
3. Soubhagya has some money to buy books.
C. 1. becomes known= comes out
2. reared= bought up
3. overcame= got through

Page- 711

4. were called, built, were centred
5. A. To, in, an
B. 1. Father asks if he always scolds the students.
2. Her little bag was opened up by her.
3. When the funeral was over, the narrator returned to Delhi.
C. 1. Understand = make out
2. quarrelled= fallen out
3. discovered = found out

Page- 727

4. arrested, was found, is
5. A. On, the, into
B. 1. She is better than any other student in the class.
2. Two cards have been dropped by Simran.
3. Though I am his neighbour, he did not help me.
C. 1. Quarrelled = fell out
2. met = came across
3. resembles = takes after
Page- 743

4. wakes, had left, will be
5. A. To, with, an
B. 1. By whom has the wind been seen?
2. My father asked me when I would come back.
3. No sooner had he seen the policeman than he ran away.
C. 1. Compensate = make up
2. extinguished = put out
3. get = come by

Page- 761

4. keep, shall be, are interested
5. A. A, in, by
B. None but Sharukh Khan can play this role.
2. Cricket and table tennis are played every day by Panchu .
3. Mr. Ram Dey asked his son if he (son) had cleaned his bike that day.
C. 1. Tolerate = bear with,
2. chased = ran after,
3. compensate = make up

Page- 853

3. in, a, of, with, before
4. 1. Swami went to school feeling himself to be the worst boy on earth.
2. They looked as if they were lost children.
3. Had everybody on the mainland relations?
5. 1. Subordinate clause- ...that ....room = Adjective/ Relative clause- it is describing “the first thing”.
2. Subordinate clause- as he ... food = Adverbial clause – it is telling the time of his purring.
6. 1. Support= stand by
2. become successful = bear out
3. left the job = stood down
Page- 866

4. 1. Promoted, avail, made
5. A. An, in, of
B. 1. He would be turned out of the room by Madhumita.
2. Gandhiji who is a great leader, is known as the father of the Nation.
3. Pallabi asked her mother if she would give her (Pallabi) a new jeans.
C. 1. Started= set in
2. continued= kept on
3. affect= tell upon
Page- 902
4.1. were entering, cried, seeing
5. at, of, by
6.1. A book was being read by the teacher.
2. As the boy had no pen, he could not write.
3. In spite of my illness, I attended the meeting.
7. 1. In search of= looking for
2. published= brought out
3. was born= came of
Page- 914

5. to, an, at, of, of, the
6. was built, is owned, was used, was bought, was not looked, have been done
7. 1. The medicine has not been used for ages by us.
2. Mr. Roy said,” Does the price include breakfast?”
3. The detective observed that the fish he (not detective) had tattooed immediately above his right wrist could only have been done in China.
4. He screamed when the dentist drilled his tooth.
5. Leaping up and rushing to the landing, John saw the staircase, being already lit up.
6. I can appreciate Mrs. Brown’s sense of humour but dislike her raucous laughter.
7. Most of the dresses I bought yesterday are not so good as today.
8. They set a strong guard. Otherwise  anyone should escape.
8. 1. Bear up, gave off, come by, get at

Page- 938

4. has been raining, will wear, going
5. 1. On, of, the
B. 1. Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
2. The spray is flung. The spume is blown.
3. The young mouse suggested that they should bell the cat.
C. 1. Extinguish= put out
2. rejected= turned down,
3. produced= brought forth
Page- 946

4. died, were injured, hit
5. the, on, on
6. 1. I have accomplished my mission.
2. I wondered if I had been really brave enough.
3. What you say, are true.
7. 1. Resemble= take after
2. abolished= done away with
3. in search of= looking for


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  2. Wonderful work 👌👌,khub sundor hoychy

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