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Friday, March 15, 2024

Textbook Writing (For 1st Unit Test) for Class IX students

Tutun’s Academy for Learning English (TALE)

Textbook Writing (For 1st Unit Test)


Ex- 6



Ø  A: Hello, friend! Where are you going? /Going somewhere?

Ø  B: No, I am returning home from a circus show.

Ø  A: How is it? / How have you enjoyed?

Ø  B: It is so-so.

Ø  A: Why? Is there anything wrong? B: I don't like circus shows without wild animals like tigers and lions. And I think they are the chief attraction.

Ø  A: Yes, it’s true. But Excluding them, there are lots of fun and anyone can enjoy.

Ø  B: No, to me it’s boring with all the gymnastic, jugglery and the funs made by jokers.

Ø  A: Don’t you like trapeze? It’s quite thrilling. And don’t you know about ill-treatment towards the animals in circuses. They are not well-fed, given time to rest or they have to perform very risky tricks.

Ø  B: Is this so?

Ø  A: Yes, besides that wild animals are decreasing day by day. Don’t you feel that it is a criminal offence?

Ø  B: Yes, now I can realize the truth.

Ø  A: You know, there are strict laws against such acts but they are not implemented sometime.

Ø  B: I think we need to be humane to animals.

Ø  A: Ok, friend. I have to go home.

Ø  B: Bye, friend.

Page- 7


An Unusual Journey

Last month we had our educational tour to Digha by bus. After completion of excursion we were returning home at night. In the bus all were engrossed in sleeping, playing games, listening to music or chatting. Everything was alright until a sudden breakdown made us jerk. Enquiry revealed that one of the tyres got punctured and it would take/we had to wait for two hours at a lonely place. Some of us deboarded the bus and began to stroll on the road. We saw a wide starry sky and heard the howl of foxes, hooting of owls, shrill cries of cricket. Two of us got scared by noticing a scarecrow at a distance. The tyre was fixed in the meantime and we took our seats and returned home with an unusual experience.


Page- 17

Ex. – 9

Preparation of Orange Juice

Orange juice is a healthy drink and we feel refreshed in summer times. It is very interesting to prepare orange juice and can be prepared through some steps. At first the chief ingredients like oranges, sugar and preservatives are bought from the market. Then they are sorted and at the time of sorting rotten ones are removed. Next they are cleaned with fresh water. Later they are peeled properly. After that they are put in juicer to extract juice. Thereafter when the extracting of juice is done, sugar and preservatives are added to the juice. Then the juice is poured in sterilized bottles. Next the bottles are sealed and labelled. At last/Finally orange juice is ready to be sold.



Page- 17


My Plan to take care of street dogs


     Dogs are the first friend of man. They are very loyal. But some has a vague idea about them that they only bite and spread Rabies. We can notice cruel actions like beating, kicking, throwing fire crackers on it etc. But we should be compassionate to them as they guard our houses and surroundings by alerting us about thieves and strangers. We should take care of them by fulfilling their lack of food, shelter, medication and a little love. We should provide the stray-dogs meal at least twice a day. To save them from being run down or rain/natural calamity we should arrange shelters. Medication should be done to make them disease free. We can arrange vaccination to make them rabies free.  Moreover people must be made aware that a simple wagging in return of a piece of biscuit or simple pat can make their day.


Page- 23

Ex - 7

Annie Besant

 Annie Besant was a well-known Socialist and activist. She was born on 1st October, 1847 in London. She got her education and after arriving India participated in Indian politics. She was a famous British writer. She was also a well-known activist for the rights of women. She tried to teach women fight against the exploitation and encouraged them for education. She strongly believed in women empowerment. Despite being a British, she joined the Indian National Congress and actively took part in Congress meetings and activities. She became the first woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917. This great lady passed away/breathed her last on 20th September, 1933 in Madras, India. Though she passed away, her contribution is unforgettable.


Page -23


How to make paper

Paper is a very useful/essential thing in our daily life. We use it in many ways. It can be made through some steps. At first bamboos are cut/hewed/felled down from the forest. Then they are cut into small pieces. Next pulp is made by beating. Later chemicals are added to pulp and spread in a fine wire-net tray. After that it is rolled into sheets. Thereafter colour is added to it. Then it is dried. At last/Finally paper is ready for sale and use.


Page- 33




The Headmaster,





Sub: Prayer for leave of absence for 3 days



    With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I am, ………………., a student of Class IX (Sec.: …) of your school, bearing the Roll no. ……

    My grandmother lives in Kolkata with my uncle. She has been suffering from a prolonged cardiac disease for several days. So on account of visiting her I have to go to Kolkata. Hence I cannot go to school and attend the classes for three days from 8th March to 10th March, 2024. (I have attached a copy of doctor’s prescription/ nursing home discharge certificate herewith this letter for your kind perusal and consideration.)

      Therefore, I request the favour of your kindly looking into the matter and granting me a leave of absence for those three days and thus oblige. / Therefore, I shall be obliged if you kindly grant my prayer for leave of absence for those three days.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yours obediently,


Dated, the 7th March, 2024

 Page- 33


                                                                                                                      OWN ADDRESS

                                                                                                                     14th March, 2024


My dear friend Amal,   

                                  Hope you are hale and hearty, by the grace of God. I am writing this letter to share my experience of visiting a wild life sanctuary.

                                After my examination, I went to Bibhutibhusan Wild Life Sanctuary with my parents. My father booked the banglow before going to the place. We reached there in a car and put up in the banglow. The banglow was in the midst of the sanctuary and by the river Ichhamoti. We wandered the sanctuary in a jeep and saw many migratory birds, deer, crocodile, peacock, tiger etc. But the most thrilling part was spending night. At night I sat on the balcony and heard the sounds of tiger, owl, peacock, cricket etc. Sometimes I found some burning eyes from the darkness. It was really a great experience to spend a night amid the wild animals. Do visit it.

         No more today, more when we shall meet. Take my love and convey my regards to your parents.

                                                                                                                        Yours ever,



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