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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Macbeth Quiz

Macbeth Quiz

  1. 1. What did the messenger report to Macbeth?

    A) He saw Birnam Woods moving
    B) He saw Macduff approaching with an army
    C) He witnessed a fierce skirmish
    D) He saw witches casting spells
  2. 2. How did Malcolm deceive Macbeth regarding the moving woods?

    A) He used magic to make the woods move
    B) He instructed soldiers to carry branches
    C) He summoned spirits to create an illusion
    D) He brought trees to life
  3. 3. What realization did Macbeth come to during his final confrontation with Macduff?

    A) He should have listened to the witches
    B) He should have trusted his soldiers more
    C) He should have been more cautious
    D) He should have avoided violence
  4. 4. How was Macduff born, according to his revelation to Macbeth?

    A) He was born naturally from a woman
    B) He was born from a caesarean section
    C) He was born prematurely
    D) He was born through sorcery
  5. 5. What did Macbeth refuse to do towards the end?

    A) Fight against Macduff
    B) Surrender peacefully
    C) Believe in witches
    D) Trust his soldiers
  6. 6. Who presented Macbeth's severed head to the new king?

    A) Macbeth
    B) Macduff
    C) Malcolm
    D) The messenger
  7. 7. What did Macbeth initially believe about his life?

    A) He was invincible
    B) He was destined to rule forever
    C) He was cursed by the spirits
    D) He was doomed to fail
  8. 8. What realization did Macbeth come to about the equivocations of witches and spirits?

    A) They always tell the truth
    B) They deceive with double meanings
    C) They are trustworthy
    D) They have no power
  9. 9. What did Macbeth refuse to do towards the end?

    A) Fight against Macduff
    B) Surrender peacefully
    C) Believe in witches
    D) Trust his soldiers
  10. 10. What realization did Macbeth come to during his final confrontation with Macduff?

    A) He should have listened to the witches
    B) He should have trusted his soldiers more
    C) He should have been more cautious
    D) He should have avoided violence

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