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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Question on Growth & Development for B.Ed and Education students

Growth & Development
Course Code - 1.1.1 (1st half) Unit – 1 & Unit - 2

A. Short answer type question: [Marks : 2]
1. What is growth? 2. Write down four characteristic features of growth. 3. What is development? 4. What are the different stages of human development? 5. What are the different aspects of development? 6. Write down four differences between growth and development. 7. What is maturation? 8. What are the social factors that affect growth and development? 9. What is the relationship between growth and development? 10. What is babbling? 11. Who are deprived children? 12. What is cooing? 13. State at least four principles of development. 14. What is meant by Pre-Gang Stage? 15. Name titles tagged with the Later Childhood. (Answer Key: Pseudo-maturity, Latency Period, Gang stage, Elementary school age, Sloppy age) 16. Write down the origin of the term Adolescence. [Answer Key: Adolescere (Greek word- grow to maturity)/Pubertas(Latin) Age of manhood] 16. What is centration? 17. What is animism?
B. Essay type questions: [Marks: 5 & 10]
1. Write down the general characteristics of growth. 2. Mention characteristics of Emotional Development at Adolescence. 3. Write down the effects of poverty on Growth and Development in individuals. 4. Discuss the role of family in child rearing practices. / Describe the role of family in Growth and Development of individuals. 5. What are the social factors that affect growth and development? Discuss briefly the factors. 6. Tabulate the differences between growth and development. 7. Mention the general characteristics of development. 8. Mention the stages of development with the age limits of each stage. 8. What are the different kinds of need of adolescence? Discuss. 9. Write down brief the features of development at childhood (early & later). 10. Mention the problems faced by Adolescents in school. Discuss the role of a teacher as counsellor to solve those problems. 11. Stanley Hall asserted that adolescence is inherently a time of “storm and stress”. Explain. / Do you think Stanley Hall properly coined Adolescence – a time of “storm and stress”? 12. Justify the statement – “Later childhood is a gang age.” 13. Mention the general principles of development. 14. Write down the different stages of human development according to psychologist J. Pikunas.

Differences Between Growth And Development
An indicator of increase in bodily dimensions such as height and weight.
A progressive series of orderly coherent changes.
Increase in height, weight Growth of limbs and organs
The child develops skills in writing, reading, drawing, communicating etc.
More emphasis is on the physical aspect.
Physical development is referred to as growth
It includes physical, cognitive, emotional, social and moral aspects
It is quantitative in nature, so
measurable in various units
Qualitative in nature. It cannot be measured, but observed in terms of implications
Age limit
Growth is limited up to a certain age. i.e.
17-18 years. It stops at maturity.
It is throughout human life, from birth through old age. Development continues through experiences. (Womb to tomb)
Growth does not include development.
But it has an impact on development, i.e. due to adequate growth in height and weight a child gains confidence
Development is a broad term. Growth is one aspect of development. It is an integrated concept comprised of many aspects.
Growth may or may not bring
Development i.e. Obesity
Development is possible without growth, i.e. a person may not grow physically, but functional progress is observed

 [Answer Key: The term 'storm and stress' was coined by G. Stanley Hall in Adolescence, written in 1904. Hall used this term because he viewed adolescence as a period of inevitable turmoil that takes place during the transition from childhood to adulthood. 'Storm' refers to a decreased level of self-control, and 'stress' refers to an increased level of sensitivity. Hall's perception of adolescence continues to influence our view of this period of development. Three main categories of storm and stress described by Hall are:
Conflict with parents: Adolescents tend to rebel against authority figures as they seek greater independence and autonomy.
Mood disruption: Hormonal changes and the psychological stress of adolescence can cause uncontrollable shifts in emotions.
Risky behaviour: The combination of a neurological need for stimulation and emotional immaturity lead to increased risk-taking behaviour during adolescence.]  

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