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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Class VII: Blossom : Lesson-wise Activities


Class VII: Blossom: Lesson-wise Activities

Lesson - 1

Activity – 1

1. a) India is in fact a small part of the earth's surface.

b) Once upon a time the earth was too hot for any living being to survive.

c) Fossils are the remains of old living beings.

                                Activity – 2

2. a) What must we do to know about the tale of this world?

Ans. We must think of all the countries and all the peoples that have inhabited it to know about the tale of this world.

b) How old is our earth?

Ans. Our earth is millions and millions of years old.

c) Who roamed the earth before the arrival of human beings?

Ans. Only animals roamed the earth before the arrival of human beings.

                                                Activity –3 

a) As a subject, history is quite interesting.

b) We have good relations with our neighbouring countries.

c) Plants need air, water and sun light to grow.

d) Can you imagine how big the Universe is?

                                            Activity – 4





                                            Activity – 5

a) Fairy tales are rich in imagination. (T)

S.S.: This would be very interesting for we could imagine anything we wanted to and would thus make up the most beautiful fairy tale.

b) We have no means to know about the far off-days. (F)

S.S.: But although we have no books written in those far off days, fortunately we have somethings which tell us a great deal as well almost as a book would.

c) The alphabet of nature is like the Hindi or the English alphabet. (F)

S.S.: So also you must learn the alphabet of nature before you can read her story in her books of stone and rock.

d) We can learn a lot about our world from the rivers and mountains. (T)

S.S.: These and other things are our books for the earth's early story.

                                            Activity – 6

a) No book could have been written in old times because men did not exist.

b) To be able to read any language one has to learn its alphabet.

c) A small pebble was definitely a part of a big rock.

d) On the beaches at the seaside, little children play and make castles out of the sand.

                                                Activity – 7



 1. Fairy tales need not be true.

 they are written out of imagination.

 2. A piece of stone or rock  looks different from a pebble.

 a piece of rock has rough edges and corners unlike shiny and smooth pebble.

 3. A bit of rock from some mountain side reaches a little valley. 

 rain washes it down to the little valley. 

 4. All pebbles do not become sand

 somehow the river leaves the pebbles behind by the riverside.

Activity – 8

a) Ans. The things around us that tell us about the earth's early tale are rocks, mountains, seas, stars, rivers, deserts and fossils of old animals.

b) Ans. A pebble has a smooth surface because the friction of river water and other stones at the bottom make the rough edges of a bit of a rock worn away.

c) Ans. A pebble becomes grains of sand by being carried away on and on by the river. 

d) The author means all the entities around us by "The Great Book of Nature."

                               Activity – 9

a) --> 2

b) --> 6

c) --> 4

d) --> 1

e) --> 5

f) --> 3

                                  Activity – 10



 1. fascinating                                        

 f) very interesting or charming

 2. merely

 d) only or just

 3. fortunately

 e) luckily

 4. alphabet

 a) the set of letters in a language

 5. surface

 b) top visible side

 6. worn

 c) became damaged by use

                                    Activity – 11

a) early = late

b) happy = sad

c) smooth = rough

d) found = lost

e) subtract = add

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