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Thursday, November 23, 2023



A farewell meeting was conducted in the school hall on the solemn occasion of retirement of ……………………………….., an assistant teacher of our school on …………………. Mrs./Mr. ______________, a sincere and committed teacher, had been serving the school for long thirty years. The farewell function was presided over by ……………………………….. . A short cultural function was arranged for this purpose .There were songs, recitation, dance etc. by the students and teachers. The departing teacher was garlanded along with an inaugural Rabindrasangeet by some students and teachers .The H.M. of the institution also delivered an impressive speech about ……………………………'s contributions to the all-round development of the school. All his /her colleagues paid heartfelt homage to the retiring teacher. They regarded his/her departure as an irreparable loss for the school. When the departing teacher was asked to say something, …………………….. gave a heart-touching speech recollecting some of his/her memorable days . The most funny as well as touchy moments when she/he pointed out some faults and best parts of students by calling their names. Finally the students and the teachers handed over her/him some gifts as token of their love and respect to the retiring teacher. At last the headmaster called the function a day and we all left the school with a heavy heart bidding our beloved teacher goodbye.



(Safe-Drinking water)

 All of you are aware that water is the source and substance of life on our planet. Safe drinking water is a basic need for every human being. Impure drinking water causes much harm to us. It is the cause of diseases like diarrhea, jaundice, or typhoid every year in one part of the country or the other. Recently UNICEF has taken up a programme to ensure safe drinking water for all the citizens of India. We should collect water from safe sources like tube-wells and well-kept wells. Secondly, drinking water should be boiled for half an hour before consumption and be kept in clean containers with lids. All of our fellow students are urged to maintain these simple measures at home to ensure safe drinking water for oneself and one's family.

 The theme of the poem (Fable)

The main theme of the poem is that everyone has their own unique role to play in the world, regardless of their size or strength. The mountain may be big and strong, but it cannot crack a nut. The squirrel may be small and weak, but it can climb trees and gather food. Both creatures are important in their own way, and they both contribute to the balance of nature.


It is an adaptation of the poem "The Mountain and The Squirrel". This portion of the poem is called Fable. The poem is about a quarrel between a mountain and a squirrel. The mountain insults the squirrel by calling it a "little prig." In response, the squirrel defends himself by saying that he is doubtlessly very big but both the mountain and the squirrel have their own roles and significance in the world. The squirrel also points out that various elements like different types of weather and circumstances come together to create a complete year and a spherical world.

The squirrel asserts that he is not ashamed of his small size and that his role is not a disgrace in the world. He also points out that he was not as large as the mountain but the mountain was not as small as he was. The squirrel believes that talents and abilities vary and that everything in the world has been well and wisely designed. Just like the squirrel cannot carry forests on its back, the mountain cannot crack a nut. This fable teaches that each entity in nature has its unique role and value, and no one should be underestimated or considered less important based solely on appearance or size.



The mountain is quick to call the squirrel a "little prig," but the squirrel can calmly and respectfully defend himself.


He points out that the mountain is not as small as the squirrel, and that he is not as spry.


He also says that they both have different talents and that both of their talents are important.


• The poem ends with the message that "talent differs, all is well and wisely put." This means that everyone is different and that our differences are what make us special. We should celebrate our differences, and we should not try to be someone we are


The Editor,

The Telegraph,

6, Prafulla Sarkar Street,

Kolkata – 1


Sub: Concern over inconveniences caused by ‘Bandhs’


    Please allow me a single column to express my concern over the recurring inconveniences caused by bandhs in our region.

    While bandhs may be initiated with noble intentions to raise awareness or draw attention to certain issues, they often result in severe disruptions to the daily lives of ordinary people. It is important to acknowledge that these disruptions have far-reaching consequences on our community and our society. The inconveniences caused by bandhs include Economic Loss, Disruption of Essential Services, Public Safety Concerns, Infringement on Civil Liberties, Image and Reputation.

      I strongly believe that while every citizen has the right to voice their concerns and engage in peaceful protest, there are alternative, less disruptive ways to achieve these objectives.

        I hope that through your publication, we can raise awareness about this issue and encourage a thoughtful, constructive approach to addressing our challenges.


                         Yours truly,


"The Snail" is a poem written by William Cowper, an English poet who lived in the 18th century. The poem describes the life and activities of a snail. It's known for its detailed and somewhat whimsical portrayal of the snail's slow and deliberate movements, contrasting with the busy and often chaotic lives of humans.

The poem emphasizes the idea that the snail's life, though slow, is peaceful and free from the troubles of the world. It reflects Cowper's love for nature and his contemplative approach to life.


Page: 51-52




Tutankhamun, a young Egyptian king who reigned from 1332-1323 BC, was known for his building projects in Thebes and Karnak, where he rebuilt temples and monuments. Despite his physical disabilities, he ruled with the support of a cane. After his death, his body was preserved as a mummy, and in 1922, Englishman Howard Carter discovered his nearly intact tomb, a global fascination with ancient Egypt.


The Editor,

The Telegraph,

6, Prafulla Sarkar Street,

Kolkata – 1


Sub: The problem and demanding measure to fight the fatal disease, Dengue


    I write to bring attention to the alarming Dengue outbreak in our mosquito-infested neighborhood in Kolkata. The epidemic is fueled by the deplorable conditions of open drains, stagnant water, and unattended garbage heaps. Residents live in constant fear of this deadly disease. We urgently implore the higher authorities to intervene. Immediate action is needed to combat this public health crisis. We demand: Intensified Mosquito Control, Waste Management, Drainage Maintenance, Public Awareness, Enhanced Healthcare.

      Our lives are at stake, and we plead for swift intervention. Let's unite to protect our community's health and well-being.

                         Yours truly,


Dated, 5th Nov, 2023


In "The Snail" by William Cowper, the poet makes several observations about the snail's behavior and contrasts it with the hectic lives of humans. Some of the key observations in the poem include:


1. The snail's slowness: Cowper observes how the snail moves at a slow and deliberates pace, contrasting it with the fast-paced and often frenetic activities of human life.


2. The snail's shelter: He notes how the snail carries its home (shell) with it wherever it goes, providing a sense of security and contentment. This is in contrast to humans who are often preoccupied with building and maintaining homes.

3. The snail's contentment: Cowper suggests that the snail is content with its simple existence, without the desires, ambitions, or anxieties that trouble humans.

4. The snail's indifference to worldly concerns: The snail is portrayed as untroubled by the cares of the world, in contrast to humans who are often consumed by their ambitions and worries.

Overall, Cowper's observations in "The Snail" highlight the idea of finding peace and contentment in a simple and unhurried life, contrasting it with the restlessness and turmoil of human existence.

The whistle was blown. The train moved on.

The whistle being blown, the train moved on.


Maiden thwarted an untimely marriage

n     By a staff reporter

Berhampore, 8th Nov: In a heartening turn of events, a determined young girl from a small village, Natungram 5 K.M. away from Berhampore, successfully thwarted an untimely marriage to pursue her studies. The 17-year-old, whose identity remains confidential, resisted the pressure and chose education over early wedlock. With unwavering support from her family and the local community, she managed to escape the forced marriage. The administration has promised assistance in her academic journey, ensuring her access to quality education. This inspiring tale highlights the power of education and the resolve of those who refuse to be bound by tradition, paving the way for a brighter future in the face of adversity.


Chandrayan-3: 3rd attempt for Moon’s south-pole

By a special correspondent

Hyderabad, 15th July, 2023: Chandrayaan-3, India's third moon mission, was launched by ISRO on July 14, 2023, aiming for a soft landing on the lunar south-pole. Following Chandrayaan-2's setback, this mission includes a Lander Module (Vikram), Propulsion Module, and rover (Pragyan). Success would make India the first to land on the moon's southern pole, marking a significant stride in the nation's space exploration. Prime Minister expressed pride, stating, "It represents a remarkable step forward for India's space program and showcases the nation's dedication to space exploration."



Write a letter to your friend about the live-streaming of Chandrayan-3.


Dear [Friend's Name],


I hope this letter finds you well. I couldn't wait to share the exhilarating experience of watching the Chandrayaan-3 livestream. Witnessing the launch in real-time was awe-inspiring – a testament to our nation's scientific prowess. The anticipation, the countdown, and finally, the lift-off – it was all surreal.


I thought of you instantly and wished we could have enjoyed the moment together. Let's plan a meetup soon to discuss this incredible achievement and catch up on everything else.


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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