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Sunday, May 21, 2023





Today, mental and physical disabilities are on the increase. We find more and more diseased bodies, debilitated minds, vicious habits, and fast ways of life. Stress and strain plague life today. Throughout the World people succumb to life's trials and tribulations. Worry and Anxiety infests people's thoughts. Sorrow and suffering disturb their Mind. Stress related disease is reaching epidemic proportions, exacting a heavy toll on the quality of human life. Stress of modern civilized life is a big problem even in rich countries. In the U.S.A. one out of every eight persons, goes to a psychiatrist, due to depression, sometime during his life.1, 25,000 Americans are hospitalized, due to mental illness and at least 70,000 commit suicide, on this account every year.

In India the philosophical and religious texts provide considerable information. They contain references to the very many causes of stress-like States. Even more important is the in formations on how these conditions can be managed. There are at least two approaches to the teaching of stress management. In the first approach one begins with the nature of human Existence and moves systematically to its dysfunction, i.e., sees how Stress is generated under certain circumstances (the Ramayana is a classic example of this approach). The second approach is a exemplified by the Bhagawad Gita-a problem is identified and the principles of dealing with it are woven around the problem and its resolution (e.g., the dilemma faced by Arjuna and Krishna’s discourse on how to resolve it.


The word 'stress' in common English usage means conditions causing hardship or time of trouble, danger and tension. The term "stress" was first used by the endocrinologist Hnasselye in the 1930s to identify physiological responses in laboratory animals.


Definition of stress

'Stress' (a word derived from Latin) was used popularly in the seventeenth century to means 'hardship, adversity or affliction' Stress is characterized as set of internal responses to the environment that leads to a state of imbalance.


Causes of Stress


Stress may be caused by variety of factors both outside the body and within. External factors including noise, binding light, extreme heat or cold, x-rays and other various toxic substances. The external factors such as the society, family, economic and financial condition, race, class, community, technology, etc. what cause stress in one individual need not necessary cause stress to another person. It is depends up on genetic factors (that which he/she derive from parents). Also one should aware of temperament, dislikes, capabilities and weakness positive and negative traits.


There are varieties of Stress which are caused by external factors include the one set of Panchmahabhootas (five great elements of nature), also due fast technological changes and job situation.


The types of Stress according to Dr. T.V.V.S. Rao can be classified in three categories Social Stress, Digestive Stress, Environmental Stress.


Reactions to Stress


Ø  More blood sugar and fats flow to the muscle and brain.


Ø  Heart rate increases.


Ø  Breathing becomes faster -Many muscles tense and tightens


Ø  Loud pressure rises


Ø  Stomach and intestines temporarily last digestion. Perspiration increases.




Ø  Dull thinking


Ø  Irritability


Ø  Decreased Motivation


Ø  Lethargic performance


Some techniques to control stress


Yama,Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi called Astanga yoga or eight limbs of yoga .Among the above eight steps the third one is Asana, therefore some selected yoga postures or Asanas are recommended for the control of the stress which are as under: Relaxation asanas such has advasana, jyestikasana, makrasana, tadasana, trikonasana, yoganidra, nadisodhan pranayama, bhramari pranavama and meditation (dhyana). Mastery of a scientific technique of relaxation like yoga nidra is the most important steps in recovery from stress.


Breathing Exercises


Deep breathing is an easy stress reliever that has numerous benefits for the body, including relaxing muscles and quieting the mind. Breathing exercises are especially helpful because you can do them anywhere, and they work-quickly so you can de-stress in a flash. The Karate BreathingMedhation is a great exercise to start with, and this basic breathing exercise can be done anywhere to help you reverse your stress response, get back to being more proactive (rather than reactive), and face stress with greater resilience.




Meditation is a fast-acting stress reliever with benefits that really build over time. JGI/Tom Grill/ Getty Images Meditation builds on deep breathing and takes it a step further. When you meditate, your brain enters an area of functioning that's similar to sleep, but carries some added benefits you can't achieve as well in any other state, and meditation actually allows you to build greater resilience toward stress over time. (Read more about the benefits of meditation.) Also, the focus on the present moment keeps your mind from working overtime and increasing your stress levels, and from engaging in destructive mental habits such as rumination. There are many articles on different types of meditation to help you get started.


Guided Imagery


Using guided imagery, you can see yourself feeling less stressed, and make that feeling a reality. Wesley Hitt/Getty Images It takes slightly more time to practice guided imagery, but this is a great way to leave your stress behind for a while and relax your body. Some find it easier to practice than meditation, as it allows more engagement of the conscious mind. You can play natural sounds in the background as you practice, to promote a more immersive experience.




If you can visualize it, you can more easily achieve it. Visualize yourself more relaxed. OJO Images/Getty Images Building on guided imagery, you can also imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at tasks, and handling conflict in better ways. Also, visualizing yourself doing well on tasks you're trying to master actually functions like physical practice, so you can improve your performance through visualizations as well!




Yoga classes provide exercise and meditation benefits in a socially supportive environment-a trifecta of stress relief!. Assembly/ Digital Vision/Getty Images Yoga is one of the oldest self-improvement practices around, dating back over 5 thousand years! It combines the practices of several other stress management techniques such as breathing, meditation, imagery and movement, giving you a lot of benefit for the amount of time and energy required. Learn more about how to manage stress with yoga.




Self-hypnosis puts you in control of your mind-and your experience of stress. Chad Baker/Getty Images Self-hypnosis incorporates some of the features of guided imagery and visualizations, with the added benefit of enabling you to communicate directly you're your subconscious mind to enhance your abilities, more easily give up bad habits, feel less pain, more effectively develop healthier habits, and even find answers to questions that may not be clear to your waking mind! It takes some practice and training but is well worth it. Learn more about using hypnosis to manage stress in your life.




Exercise carries many benefits to help you to be healthier/and happier. Many people exercise to control weight and get in better physical condition to become more healthy or physically attractive, but exercise and stress management are also closely linked. Exercise provides a distraction from stressful situations, as well as an outlet for frustrations, and gives you a lift via endorphins as well. Francesco Corticchia/Getty Images: This article can tell you more about the stress management benefits of exercise, and help you get more active in your daily.


Yoga is a great way to work on your flexibility and strength. Just about everyone can do it, too -- it's not just for people who can touch their toes or want to meditate.

Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment. The practice entails low-impact physical activity, postures (called asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation, and meditation. Most people are familiar with the physical poses or yoga positions but don't know that yoga involves so much more.

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